Our latest breakfast expedition was to Tyranny of Distance, just off Chapel Street Windsor. May I just say first up – nice website! Checks it out in the link I have kindly provided above
May I then say – nice atmosphere! We were seated in the “outdoor” area (I use inverted commas as it was sort of outdoor, but fairly enclosed, more on that later). Excellent heating systems ensured we were anything but cold – Sal had to move because she was a little too toasty! Worked out well for later when I moved to the hot seat after I realised I wasn’t rugged up enough for winter , so everyone was happy. I was particularly taken by the music – funky perfectly picked background music at the perfect level. I don’t think I have ever paid attention to the music at one of our brunch outings, or perhaps it has just never struck me because it wasn’t good enough. I couldn’t tell you what the tunes were if you had a gun to my head but I can assure you some funky stuff was being pumped over the speakers (if you can use ‘pumped’ to describe music that is played at a low level to create perfect ambiance).
Third point – well kitted out guys. According to their website the owners got some artists in to design the interiors. I’m no interior designer but I think that weathered look is called shabby-sheik , or at least that what I learned from the original season of The Block, so it’s safe to say I might not be on the money. But it was very cool and they had these awesome lights made from old gas bottles. Plenty of natural light, plants and bright colours. Comfort was in no way compromised as we were toasty and warm and seated promptly.
First up was coffee. Not good enough to have without sugar, but once that was in there, very nice. Decent sized cups too!

Tiffo and Sal got the Chilli scrambled eggs on the house made flat bread topped with avocado and preserved lemon salsa, but in true style substituted the bacon for chorizo, and also got a potato rosti. I was thinking of getting this too but the bacon threw me off. When it came out I had the worst food envy. Just look at that avocado salsa!
I got poached eggs and added mushrooms and tomato, plus my usual tomato sauce on the side. It was very nice, eggs were done well, but I couldn’t stop eyeing off Tiff and Sal’s meals. I really liked the flat bread instead of toast, it’s a nice change.
For their traditional sweet treat, Tiff and Sal got a pear and chocolate muffin. I must admit I stole a piece, it was lovely. Good size too
The only downfall of the whole experience was that just as we were finishing up, another patron sat down and started smoking a cigarette in what I had thought would have been considered an indoor area. Luckily we were almost finished because I don’t think I could have handled eating with someone smoking. God help me if I ever move to a county with lax smoking laws. But looking at the tables, each one had an ashtray on it but I hadn’t really noticed because the sugar tin was sitting in them.
According to my hard hitting internet research smoking in Victoria is permitted in non-enclosed dining or drinking areas if the area has a roof and walls that cover no more than 75% of the total notional wall area (i.e. if the combined wall and roof space is 25% open to the outdoors). The area we had open sections, gaps in the walls and the area was clearly set up to be quite open in the warmer months. But smack bang in the middle of winter it was more closed up even though there was the aforementioned gaps in the walls, and some open windows as well, and the doorway/entrance was open with no doors. I didn’t exactly get my measuring tape out but I’m sure that the good people at Tyranny have ensured that 75% is open. But for a non-smoker I’m disappointed in our laws – if I’m 75% enclosed I’m still at a good chance and getting hit with a face full of smoke? Gross.

Overall – reasonable coffee, very enviable chilli eggs that I’ll be going back to try again, great interior, nice atmosphere except when some douchebag smokes next to you in a 75% or thereabouts enclosed area (seriously, he could have sat near the open door area on an otherwise uncrowded weekday).
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